Whispers in the Forest
A quiet tree covered path at the entry of the forest invites me to explore it. I feel the gentle breeze moving through the trees, bringing the scents of the new growth all around me. The subtle songs of the birds and the cascade of water over rock draw my attention, then fade away again. Each step takes me deeper, further from the reality I’m familiar with, and closer to a place which sits between two worlds. My awareness is heightened, I feel like I am walking into the threshold of a new reality. There is something magical here, something that extends past my mind’s limitations. A single red flower, its texture and color seem almost make-believe. It beckons me to dissolve the boundaries of what is possible in life.

A single red flower, its texture and color seem almost make-believe. It beckons me to dissolve the boundaries of what is possible in life.

I come across a window in the forest, which allows me to see into the past and connect with the visions of those who came before me. Their presence and stories, held in time, never fading for those who stop and listen.

I stop to rest along the creek, becoming mesmerized by the purple flowers encircling an ancient tree. The tree, no longer growing, is slowly fading back into the earth, and yet I sense how alive it is. The spirit of the tree reaches out to me, offering to share its deep wisdom and love. Contently I sit embracing its presence with gratitude, the violet-colored flowers expressing the feeling of deep peace which comes over me.

A path in the forest gently guided me to a place I couldn’t see, a place between two worlds. A place of magic and beauty where the imagination is free to roam and play.
This place is waiting for you too, can you see the path before you?
Will you follow it and find the magic it is holding? Will you embrace the hidden gifts it wants to offer you?

Copyright Restoring Light 2022, all rights reserved
Photos by Valerie Greguire, all rights reserved