Spring Greetings
Springtime brings a revitalizing energy that can invigorate both our bodies and minds. This season provides an excellent opportunity to explore new ideas and embark on fresh creative endeavors. The springtime energy seems to stimulate our hearts and call forth the things we desire to manifest in our lives. I've been personally experiencing this phenomenon, as I feel a strong pull towards acquiring new knowledge and honing new skills. I had been busy taking several classes in Sound Healing Therapy as I am very interested in how the body heals vibrationally. I am looking to learn deeper ways for us to tap into our own healing potential. I’m not sure how this guidance will unfold in my life, but I know I will be sharing it with you in some way.

Approaching my 62nd birthday this April has prompted me to consider retirement. However, rather than yearning for a peaceful life, I've been reflecting on the various phases of my life and the invaluable lessons and challenges I've encountered along the way. I feel that this next chapter is not about slowing down, but rather about giving back. I've been contemplating the wealth of knowledge I've amassed over the years in the field of Natural Health, and I don't want it to fade away. Instead, I want to find ways to sow the seeds of my experiences so that they can continue to flourish and expand. My mind is buzzing with countless thoughts, ideas, and aspirations, so I appreciate your patience with my infrequent newsletters as I delve into these leadings and direction.

I encourage you to take time to listen for the guidance of your heart and allow the inner song of your soul to be heard. I am so grateful for all of you in my life. You have each touched my life in different ways, and it has brought me much joy to witness your personal growth and healing. Let's move forward together this year with the intention to foster harmony in our lives, our hearts, and our world.
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