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Calming the Stress Response in the Body

The body has an incredible ability to produce hundreds of different chemicals, hormones, and neurotransmitters that help maintain optimal health and promote healing. Among these hormones, cortisol is one of the most critical for regulating stress. Produced by the adrenal glands following signals from the pituitary and hypothalamus glands, cortisol influences many functions such as regulating mood and motivation, controlling inflammation levels, balancing blood pressure, and managing sleep/wake cycles.

While a small amount of cortisol is beneficial, excessive levels can be detrimental to your health. Cortisol release is triggered by your response to stress, whether the stress is real or perceived. Constantly focusing on fears, worries, or anxiety can lead to excessive cortisol production. This can turn off health-building DNA and activate disease-triggering DNA. Here are some symptoms related to excess cortisol production:

  • Impaired memory and concentration

  • Suppressed thyroid function

  • Feeling ungrounded, disconnected, and uncentered

  • Bone loss

  • Muscle weakness and loss

  • High blood pressure

  • Unstable blood sugar and insulin resistance

  • Abdominal weight gain and slow metabolism

  • Decreased immune system response

  • Acid reflux or weakened digestion

  • Persistent negative thinking and inability to see new possibilities

  • Insomnia

  • Irritability, mood swings, and depression

  • Tension held in the body

Understanding the impact of cortisol on your body can help you take steps to manage stress and support your overall well-being.

Although we know that stress is detrimental to our health, this list highlights just how significant its impact can be. As a holistic practitioner, I see stress as a root cause of many diseases. While a small amount of cortisol can help with concentration and memory, excessive cortisol does the opposite. It hampers the formation of new cells in the hippocampus, which is crucial for processing long-term memory and emotional responses. This area holds our memories, dreams, aspirations, and past experiences, and it regulates emotions and social interactions. Chronic stress can make us tolerant of stressful situations and sap our motivation to improve them. The good news is that knowledge is power. By understanding the effects of stress and cortisol on the body, you can take steps to reverse this process and regain control over your health and well-being.

11 Tips to Lower Stress and Reduce Cortisol Production

  1. Balance Work, Rest, and Play: Strive to maintain a healthy balance between your professional, personal, and leisure activities. If needed, take steps toward changing your career to achieve this balance.

  2. Embrace Positive Emotions: Focus on fostering positive emotions. Enjoy simple pleasures, like watching a playful kitten, anything that brings a smile to your face and lifts your spirits.

  3. Treat Yourself with Love: Give yourself permission to indulge in self-care without guilt. Sleep in on your days off or take a relaxing bath before bedtime.

  4. Allow Time to Relax: Take moments to unwind. Sink into a comfortable chair and lose yourself in a good book.

  5. Meditate or Pray Daily: Set aside time each day for meditation or prayer. Appreciate the beauty around you—watch a sunset, gaze at the stars, admire a flower, or listen to the rain.

  6. Choose Uplifting Media: Avoid negative news and stressful TV shows or videos. Instead, opt for comedies, inspiring documentaries, or content that makes you feel good.

  7. Change Your Screensavers: Select screensavers that bring you joy and make you smile.

  8. Practice Gratitude: Begin each morning with a moment of gratitude. Say a prayer or reflect on the blessings in your life, no matter how small they may seem.

  9. Monitor Your Thoughts: Be mindful of negative thoughts or statements. When you catch yourself in negativity, stop and shift your focus. Look for the good in the current situation. If you can't find a positive angle, pray or meditate for a solution. Whether you pray to God, the Universe, your angels, or consciousness itself, the goal is to foster hope and divert attention from negativity.

  10. Engage with Others Positively: Smile and greet the people you encounter throughout your day. If someone is angry or irritated, send them love and blessings instead of negative energy. Remember, your energy flows where your attention goes.

  11. Treat Your Body with Love and Respect: Choose nutritious foods and make time for stretching and exercise. Your body deserves care and attention to maintain its health and vitality.

Incorporating these practices can help create a more balanced, peaceful, and positive life, reducing stress and cortisol production and promoting overall well-being.

Nutritional Support for Stress

In times of high stress, incorporating herbs and vitamins into your daily routine can significantly aid in recovery, maintaining calm, and supporting your immune system, which can be compromised by elevated cortisol levels. Here are some formulas I highly recommend considering for managing stress:

Eleuthero Herb: Eleuthero, an adaptogen herb, helps the body adjust to and recover from stressful situations. It is well-known for increasing stamina and endurance, boosting the immune system, and alleviating fatigue. Emotionally, Eleuthero provides the strength to confront and overcome fears and struggles.

Nature’s Sunshine’s AdaptaMax is a favorite blend that includes a spectrum of popular adaptogen herbs designed to reduce the negative effects of stress and combat fatigue. It also contains 40 mg of chromium per capsule to help balance blood sugar and curb stress-induced cravings for sweets. The inclusion of kelp and alfalfa provides trace minerals that nourish the thyroid, which can become sluggish under stress. Additionally, rosemary and ginkgo are included to keep your brain alert during stressful times.

Stress-J: This formula is excellent for quieting a racing mind and calming an agitated liver (the liver can become congested during high stress). Stress-J helps clarify thoughts, calms the nerves, improves digestion and balances cortisol. Emotionally, it helps you reach upward through challenges, calming the heart, releasing fear and anxiety, and improving sleep. It can be taken at bedtime to help improve sleep and quiet the mind.

B-Vitamins: B-vitamins are crucial for maintaining a healthy nervous and digestive system. Individuals who are constantly on the go and under constant stress should supplement their diet with additional B-vitamins. These people often experience excessive worry and anxiety, digestive complaints, and difficulty relaxing. Nutri-Calm is my favorite B-complex formula, which includes herbs to support stress and relax the nervous system. Vitamin C is also added to support the adrenal glands (your stress glands). The key to taking a B-complex formula like Nutri-Calm is to spread the doses throughout the day. Since B-vitamins are water-soluble, your body will flush out any excess it doesn’t use in the morning, so dividing the dose into 2-3 daily servings helps maintain stress support throughout the day.

Magnesium is a key mineral for maintaining a healthy nervous system. A deficiency in magnesium can leave your nerves feeling frayed and increase stress. Managing cortisol levels effectively requires healthy magnesium levels, as this mineral is crucial for every cell in the body and plays a role in numerous metabolic processes. It is essential for muscle contraction, nerve function, and energy production. A lack of magnesium can lead to irregular heartbeats and high blood pressure, common issues for those under stress with weakened nervous systems. Other symptoms of magnesium deficiency include muscle cramps, nervous irritability, menstrual cramps, tension headaches, constipation, muscle tightness, chronic pain, and discomfort in large crowds.

By incorporating these nutritional supports into your routine, you can better manage stress and support your overall health and well-being.

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