Breathing to Reduce Stress and Enhance Energy
Building health is all about making mindful choices throughout your day. There are many tools that you can use to improve your health, and the most powerful of these tools you have with you all the time, and they are free. The ancient Chinese healers referred to these as your three treasures, your breath, your mind, and your body. When we make mindful choices to pay attention to the needs of our three treasures, and then take action to adjust these areas to balance them, we turn on our inner healer within.
This morning I just want to focus on one of these three treasures, the breath. I’d like to share with you a few exercises that you can do to adjust your breath to help with relieving stress or enhancing your vitality. I also want to give you a deeper understanding of the breath and why it is important. We take about 27,000 breaths a day, we inhale life-giving oxygen, and we exhale carbon dioxide and other waste products. With our breath we also inhale life force energy into the body, and we exhale tension and emotional stress. Join me in watching this video, to explore ways you can use your breath to enhance vitality and reduce stress.
Between every inhale and exhale is a pause.
Within that pause is the power of choice,
A choice to embrace healing, illness, weakness, or strength,
Inhale…. Pause…. Exhale
The power of choice, it is yours,
I pray you choose life,
and to live life more abundantly.
Honor your Three Treasures
As I was walking through the forest, I came across this beautiful tree while taking a walk, it had 3 equally balanced trunks coming from a single trunk at the base. This reminded me of the concept of the 3 Treasures in Qi gong, which teaches how we must keep our body, mind, and spirit balanced to maintain optimal health and well-being.
The Ancient Chinese healers taught that to build and maintain health, we should be mindful of our 3 treasures: the body, mind, and spirit, and check in on them throughout the day.
