Hope and Encouragement March 2020

This morning I woke up and looking out the window I saw that fog covered everything.
I thought that this fog reminded me of the fear that has settled across the people with the corona virus scare. And it is not so much a fear of the virus, but rather that life is changing, and we are not sure why or how. And I thought to myself, “surely there must be a flower blooming in this fog that can give hope to the people. A flower that will remind us that our loving Creator is here in the mist of us.” As I thought about going out for a walk to find this flower Spirit reminded me that there was a beautiful yellow flower on the Hedgerow down the street; and so I went out to find her to see if she would be blooming in the fog.
She is a Carolina Yellow Jessamine flower, as I approached her, her blossoms were vibrant like sunshine in the mist of the fog. What a contrast she created to the dense quiet gray of the fog. Once I returned home, I decided to look up what her flowers are used for when they make a flower essence. And what I found was amazing:
“The Carolina yellow jessamine flower essence aids in dealing with the fears of our subconscious that can paralyze us in our daily lives. This essence allows us to find the root of the fear and move past it giving the freedom to get back to enjoying life. It also makes us more sensitive to the emotions of others allowing us to except that other people’s feelings are legitimate and deserve the acceptance that we want for ourselves”
Wow – how appropriate for what I was seeking. Thank you to the Natives Remedies site for sharing this knowledge.
When I went to smell the flowers the lack of scent surprised me. Looking so much like a honeysuckle or jasmine I expected the sweet smell. The lack of scent indicates that the flower is good for those who are feeling withdrawn and alone, it sends its love to those who need to meditate and connect with their inner selves. This flower helps you to re-connect with life so you can move forward again.
I share this beautiful photograph of this flower as a reminder of the support and love we all have available during this time of transition. We are never alone; we are always being guided and loved. Blessings, Valerie

In South Carolina with the Corona virus we have officially closed our schools, social functions and sports events; and the restaurants are take-out only. It’s very surreal, both frightful and calming at the same time. Everyone always talks about how the world is rushing around and people have no time to think - but now we do. For the next 30 days or so this will be the norm around here.
Once you move past the initial fear and confusion you realize we are being given a gift. A gift to spend time reflecting on what we are creating in our lives, how we spend our time and who we spend our time with. On a bigger scale people are going to evaluate their health and how they take care of themselves. They are going to begin to ask themselves if they are happy with the government or healthcare facilities controlling their lives. From an energetic perspective I see this as a time of great awakening on this planet.
Yes, it will be difficult, and our emotions and moods are going to swing in so many directions as we work through this. And as we work through this fear, we also bring all our hidden fears to surface. It’s important to stay present and not let your mind and thoughts run away with you. It’s important to be understanding of how others deal with this and how they react. We must let each person work through this energy. It will be a challenge, as we find that so many things will surface emotionally, once your routine in life comes to a stop. Personally, I am already reflecting on who I will be when we come back out of this. What will my life direction take? I feel a strength building in me despite wanting to cry. It is like a fog is all around us and we cannot see where the path is, but we are being guided.
I encourage you to look beyond the physical, move through the fear as best you can and reflect on your own personal life and what you want for it. As you do so, clarity will begin to surface, like the sun melting away the fog. Stay strong, I am standing with you in love through all of this.
Several years ago, I was going through a difficult time and felt very alone. The poem reflected on how I moved through this to re-gain my perspective. I feel it is appropriate to share it with you now.
I walked with loneliness today,
She encircled me like a morning mist slowly moving across a meadow,
Soon I could only see her, and my perspective on life disappeared,
I walked with loneliness today,
She creates an illusion of safety, something akin to friendship,
Do I choose to stay with her?
Or does she secretly plan to suffocate me of all my life force energy?
As I sit with loneliness, quietness surrounds me,
Within the depths of solitude, voices around me begin to speak,
The wind whispers, and a bird explains many mysteries of life,
A sunbeam falls in front of me and speaks of transformation,
Am I truly alone?
I become aware of conversations with myself,
Who is this “I” which speaks to me?
I walked with loneliness today,
As she reached her hands to blind my eyes from all that was around me,
I began to hear the voice of my soul speak to me,
I began to realize greatness within me,
Reaching far beyond the room I sat alone in,
I began to realize how connected I was to everything,
I sat with loneliness today,
That which I thought was my enemy,
Revealed herself to be my closest friend,
She set me free,
To find my true self,
To discover my authentic self within.
~ Valerie Greguire